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  • Writer's pictureBetsy Richard

#10 Uncertain Times Suggestions for Leaders

What Matters and What Lasts?

What needs to be done differently? Write it down. Go deeper……what matters and what lasts? Have we ever really been in a place like this? My mom, Marie Adele Pavy Comeaux, grew up during World War 2 and knew poverty and the value of things. She never wasted anything, to the point of washing foil in the dishwasher to reuse it again and if necessary, again. Richard Rohr comments how most of us typically want to flee from these times, consume more, medicate more. We are encouraged to “BE” with the pain, grief, and anxiety. Then I say, after you feel it, accept it for what it is and detach from it. The place we are in is a season and will pass, just as the time before it was and before that and so on. And what is to come is also a season.

There is meaning and a sense of God’s compassionate present in all the chaos.

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