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Writer's pictureBetsy Richard

Reflect, Renew, and Refocus

Each month I do something called RRR…..Reflect, Renew and Refocus. It is a time when I look back in all aspects of my life and REFLECT on how the last month was for me. In the business part of this I reflect back on new clients I gained, what is the projected income, who comes to mind that I may check on. In other aspects of my life there are things like what book am I reading this month? What yard work needs to be done? How is my spiritual life going? And other things of importance. Now, I do not do it all but delegate the things that do not bring me joy or that I know I am not supposed to spend my time doing. It just needs to get done. They are all simple things but things that if I do not know where I am, what is next or it is not taken care of, it will be yucky for me.

After that I take time to RENEW my spirit. I contemplate what I want for the next month and meditate on what God may want from me. Am I going in the direction of the dreams God has put in my heart? Am I pushing too much and not letting things flow? Who does God want me to BE with this month? Journaling is a good part of this for me.

Lastly, I get REFOCUSED. Get my courage up, remembering that there are Peaks and Valleys (Book by Spencer Johnson, MD). Wherever I am, peak or valley, this too shall come to pass. I will bolster up and get excited about who God will put in my pathway this month! I will try to see them and my work with fresh new eyes every day. I love it all!

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