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Writer's pictureBetsy Richard

A Special Offering Through June 30th

My concern for my clients, their businesses, and all the small businesses striving to thrive in this unprecedented time and beyond is deep.

Change in business is inevitable. Shifts or sudden halting can be traumatic. Having to lay off people, applying for a PPP or SBA loan, discussing uncertainties with your banker, SBDC, tax accountant, and bookkeeper, not knowing what the future will bring, can keep anyone up at night and unsettled. It can cause physical and spiritual ailments as well. When those things happen, it is important to have a plan in place that will move you forward. You are the leader and “A people with no vision will perish.” (Proverbs 29:18). Getting and keeping traction and having systems and processes in place is vital. If you do not have it now, now is the time to get it, putting pieces in place so that when there is another (and there will be, maybe not this devastating) change, sudden or subtle, You will be able to say, ”All is well in my business and my life”.

  • I support leaders and their businesses.

  • My passion and impact are to build solid foundations internally that catapult growth for leaders and their team.

  • Empowering and holding leaders accountable with compassion is what I do.

  • Together we customize their work according to their unique needs.

  • It’s been a privilege supporting business to increase revenue by 37% in 1 year and build teams that are transparent and open, capable of dealing with issues as they arise.

It may seem like this is lasting for an eternity, but we will be out of it in no time and it will be business as usual. If you are not retiring and you are staying in business, NOW is the time to double your efforts to get primed for growth. Those that continue and work ON their business will be ahead of the game.

From now on until June 30th, I have a special offer of my services to get YOU ON TRACK FOR A COMEBACK. A set back is a set up for a comeback. These are tough times but they don’t last. Tough people do and “It is times like these”, as my daughter says at , “that there is an opportunity to grow” in your relationship with your business, employees, finances and vision for the way things will be. I will take you, your team and your business from where you are right now to where you want to be. Helping you gain traction in all aspects of your business. Reach out to me and let’s connect.

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